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PRF/PRP Overview

Understanding Regenerative Medicine for Hair Restoration

While genetics plays a significant role in whether a person will suffer from thinning hair or balding areas, regenerative medicine brings new hope for hair restoration. PRP, or “platelet-rich plasma,” is a substance created from your blood. PRP has been used for over twenty years by doctors to speed wound healing and stimulate the hair follicles to promote thicker, healthier hair. Dr. Alizadeh offers Platinum PRP 2.0, which isolates 5 times the regenerative cells compared to traditional PRP hair restoration in NYC. Dr. Alizadeh also offers PRF, or “Platelet Rich Fibrin,” as well as NeoGraft hair transplants for hair follicle rejuvenation in New York City.

Why Choose Dr. Alizadeh for Your PRF/PRP Hair Restoration in NYC?

At Cosmoplastic Surgery in NYC, our focus is on every aspect of your experience. While achieving excellent surgical results is our priority, we ensure your entire journey is supported. Our core values—innovation, transparency, and inclusivity—are designed to provide a seamless experience and exceptional results. See our Mission Statement for more details.

Dr. Alizadeh, a top plastic surgeon in NYC, has a distinguished background, including an MD from Cornell University, a residency at the University of Chicago, and specialized training in cosmetic surgery, microsurgery, and breast reconstruction at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

  • 23+ years of surgical expertise with consistent, long-term results
  • Double board certification and a faculty position at New York Medical College
  • Innovative pain management techniques for improved recovery
  • Extensive experience as an educator and FDA clinical trial investigator
  • Training for over 100 surgeons globally and as an oral examiner for the American Board of Plastic Surgery
  • Contributions to the field through numerous publications and lectures across 27 countries
Dr. Kaveh Alizadeh

Plastic Surgery Decoded: Featuring Dr. Alizadeh

Hear Dr. Alizadeh discuss his experience and insights on hair loss and effective treatment options, such as PRP.

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How PRP/PRF Hair Restoration Works

The PRF/Platinum PRP 2.0 contains “growth factors” that have a regenerative effect. After your own blood is drawn, it is placed in a centrifuge to isolate it from the rest of the blood, so the product is concentrated. The growth factors in PRP/PRF are known to trigger healthy cell growth, and patients who have regular hair restoration treatments with PRP/PRF are reporting very positive results. 

The platelets in the PRP/PRF work to stimulate stem cells in the hair follicle. PRP/PRF is also an effective treatment for patients who have had hair transplants, aiding the newly transplanted hair follicles to become healthy and productive. While results vary from patient to patient, PRP/PRF hair restoration therapy three or four times a year has been seen to produce impressive results.

Platinum PRP 2.0 Exosome Extraction

Platinum PRP 2.0 Exosome Extraction

PRP & Exosomes

PRP & Exosomes

The Advantages Of PRF/Platinum PRP 2.0 Hair Restoration

Some patients do not want to undergo a hair transplant procedure or are experiencing the early stages of thinning. PRP/PRF hair restoration is a regenerative therapy used to stimulate healthy cell growth. As the PRP/PRF develops from your blood, there is no concern about adverse reactions to the treatment. As we age, the hair follicles’ hair quality can diminish, with strands becoming finer and thinner. Aging hair follicles stop producing thick, healthy hair, or eventually, any hair at all – but they are still present in the scalp. At Cosmoplastic Surgery in New York, our PRP/PRF hair restoration is a treatment geared towards regenerating existing hair follicles, allowing them to produce thicker, healthier strands.

PRP/ PRF Hair Restoration Treatment: The Procedure

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The procedure is performed with the following steps:

  • Blood is drawn at our office, just like any other blood draw in a medical office.
  • The PRP/PRF is extracted with the use of a centrifuge.
  • An anesthetic is used to numb the area of the scalp to be treated.
  • The PRP/PRF is then injected into the target area.
  • Your hair and scalp are then washed.
  • You can return to your regular activities, with no restrictions or downtime.

Dr. Alizadeh's PRP/PRF Hair Restoration
Before & After Photos

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Dr. Alizadeh Explains The Role of Exosomes in Hair Restoration

Dr. Alizadeh

Platelet Rich Plasma Hair Restoration And Beyond

The PRP/PRF contains three to five times the number of platelets in natural blood, and these platelets contain growth factors that are known to be effective for wound healing. With Platinum PRP 2.0, it is possible to isolate 5 times the regenerative cells compared to traditional PRP. A new development in regenerative medicine, PRP/PRF is now being used in various applications, including cosmetic treatments to help skin regenerate and stay young and firm, in addition to stimulating natural hair growth in men and women with thinning hair.

PRP/PRF Hair Restoration Regimen & Results

Your treatments will occur every six weeks during the initial phase, and once completed, most patients are treated twice a year. As every patient is unique in physiology and response to PRP/PRF treatment, we will monitor your progress carefully and adjust treatment schedules as needed. Dr. Alizadeh understands the importance of injecting the PRP/PRF to the correct depth and in the right areas of the scalp so the treatment is as effective as possible. Improvement in hair growth and quality of hair produced are typically seen in about two to six months after treatment.

Stem Cells in Plastic Surgery & Rejuvenation

Not all “stem cell” procedures are created equal. Stem cells are the body’s pluripotential cells, which can trigger and mediate repair processes throughout various tissues. During fetal development, these cells help form our organs, shape our structure, and establish our overall function. By harnessing this regenerative resource using scientifically proven methods, it is possible to enhance both form and function at any age. However, the success of “stem cell” or “exosome” therapy depends on several key factors:


  • Tissue must be harvested using an atraumatic technique
  • Proper pressure gauges, sterile instrumentation, and minimal exposure to air or temperature extremes help preserve the regenerative capacity of the cells
  • Keeping the avascular (no blood supply) time to a minimum is also critical to ensuring cell viability

Donor Site

  • Dr. Alizadeh selects donor sites known to yield the highest quantity and quality of regenerative cells—most commonly from bone marrow or adipose tissue (fat)
  • Be aware that not all products labeled “stem cell” or “exosome” are the same; some may come from other individuals (posing infection risk), different species, or even plants (raising the possibility of cross-contamination or immune rejection)
  • At Cosmoplastic Surgery, Dr. Alizadeh uses your own harvested tissue for the ExoBoost process, ensuring a safe, personalized approach containing millions of regenerative cell colonies


  • Using well-established guidelines and technologies such as Puregraft for fat grafting and Adonizer for exosomes (as well as specialized systems for bone marrow), Dr. Alizadeh and his team separate and purify your cells in a sterile manner
  • The goal is to remove excess fluid, concentrate the regenerative components, and maximize your treatment outcomes


  • Dr. Alizadeh employs precise protocols and specialized cannulas to inject small aliquots of the cell-rich material
  • These smaller volumes promote better revascularization and integration, leading to faster recovery times and more effective, long-lasting results

With more than a quarter century of experience, Dr. Alizadeh is an internationally recognized innovator in plastic surgery. While individual results can vary, the key to success lies in following all post-treatment instructions and being an active participant in your care. We welcome educated patients who ask questions and embrace accountability for their outcomes. At Cosmoplastic Surgery, we value our partnership with you on your journey toward improved wellness, confidence, and rejuvenation.

Enhancing Your Hair Restoration Outcome in NYC

To ensure the sustained excellence of your hair restoration outcomes, we advise a regimen of regular treatments. Patients have the option to select individual treatments, including PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) administered 3 times annually, Exosome therapy 1 time yearly, or PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) treatments administered 2 times yearly. For enhanced results, patients may opt to combine these treatments. However, at a minimum, adhering to this scheduled regimen is paramount to maximizing the benefits of your hair restoration journey.

Schedule Your PRP/PRF Hair Restoration Consultation

If you feel your hair is showing signs of thinning or receding, perhaps it's time to schedule a consultation with Dr. Alizadeh for PRP hair restoration in NYC. Request your appointment online or phone 212.348.0100 (Manhattan) / 516.439.5010 (Long Island).

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