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For a variety of factors, some patients choose to have their breast implants removed. This can be a decision that is made because of personal reasons, aesthetic reasons, or health reasons. No matter what is behind the choice, Dr. Kaveh Alizadeh has the skills and expertise to help. 

What is en bloc capsule removal?

En bloc capsule removal is surgical procedure that removes the breast implants and the breast implant capsule that has formed around the implant as single unit. En bloc, which means all together, refers to the extraction of the capsule as well, which is a layer of scar tissue that forms around the implant. Every patient who has undergone breast implants will have capsules. Dr. Alizadeh’s en bloc capsule removal surgery will safely remove the entire capsule while keeping the anatomy of the breasts intact. 

Woman posing with a sports bra.

Breast Implant Removal and Lift: Regina's Experience

Breast Implant Removal and Lift: Regina's Life-Changing Journey

Why undergo the procedure?

The decision to have en bloc capsule removal performed can be a personal choice or a decision that is made for health concerns. A patient may be experiencing complications from previous surgery, hardening of the breast tissue, infection, or implant rupture. Or it could be as simple as the desire to return the breasts back to their natural size. No matter what the issue may be, Dr. Alizadeh will take wonderful care of you. 

Day of treatment

En bloc capsule removal surgery can typically be performed under local anesthesia, and will take anywhere from one to three hours. The majority of patients are able to return home after the procedure, but will require someone to drive them home.


After your en bloc capsule removal surgery, you may be given a compression garment and drains that you will wear for two to three days. You will be able to return to regular daily tasks within a few days, but avoid any strenuous activity.

Life-Changing Breast Explant and Lift

Life-Changing Breast Explant and Lift

Why choose Dr. Alizadeh?

Dr. Alizadeh, a top plastic surgeon in NYC and Long Island, is highly skilled and experienced in en bloc capsule removal. His academic background and surgical expertise gives him the ability to perform breast procedures beautifully, with the patient’s wellbeing always in the forefront. He first earned his MD from Cornell University, followed by a general and plastic surgery residency at University of Chicago, and then underwent subspecialty training in microsurgery, cosmetic surgery, and breast reconstruction.

Over the course of his career, Dr. Alizadeh has made many achievements in various fields. Some of these include:

  • Professor of Clinical Surgery at New York Medical College
  • Training more than 100 surgeons in plastic surgery around the world 
  • Oral examiner for the American Board of Plastic Surgery
  • Responsible for numerous peer-reviewed articles and speaker at over 100 international lectures and presentations
  • Primary clinical trial investigator for the FDA, contributing to advancements in medical devices used in various surgical and non-surgical procedures
  • Internationally acclaimed for teaching surgical techniques to hundreds of surgeons spanning 27 countries
  • Dedicated to philanthropic initiatives through Mission: Restore, offering free healthcare to patients in need

His comprehensive, consummate knowledge of the structure and intricacies of the human body allows him to deliver stunning, natural results. If you’re interested in en bloc capsule removal in the New York City area, you are in great hands with Dr. Alizadeh.

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