A successful surgical procedure can restore confidence, security, and quality of life. However, before patients can enjoy the fruits of their cosmetic journey, they must navigate the ups and downs of the recovery process, which can be both daunting and confusing. If you’re preparing to undergo a surgical procedure, it’s critical that you take steps before your procedure to make your recovery as seamless and stress-free as possible. Below we will explore some priceless tips for a smooth, peaceful healing process.
- Create your recovery “cave” – Before your procedure, take time to arrange your healing space in a manner that will make you feel comfortable, happy, and at peace. Organize things in such a way that it will be easy to read, watch TV, and drink fluids. Make sure you’re stocked up on essentials, like clean towels and sheets. You might want to add special touches such as scented candles or colored bulbs.
- Read up on your procedure – There is virtually unlimited information online today regarding every cosmetic procedure, and your surgeon is sure to have a library of resources for you to browse. By demystifying complex procedures, you can head into your recovery with greater peace of mind. Your surgeon can also answer your questions in depth and give you a realistic picture of what to expect from your healing process.
- Keep it comfy – Clothing after surgery should prioritize comfort. Choosing loose-fitting, easy-to-take-on-and-off garments will make life much easier as you navigate your healing process. If you’ve undergone facial surgery, wearing button-up clothing will ensure your shirt doesn’t brush against your incisions when you lift it over your head. If you’ve undergone abdominoplasty, opt for loose cotton pants that don’t require zippers or closures.
- Don’t go at it alone – Recovery will be most comfortable and effortless when you enlist the help of friends and family members. If you have pets or children, make sure you hire a caregiver prior to your surgery date so that you can just rest and relax after your procedure. Don’t try to do too much too soon. Instead, allow a helper to complete basic household chores like shopping, cleaning, and organizing.
- Focus on nutrition – What you eat matters when it comes to healing. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, and healthy fats like nuts, seeds, and avocado. Also, be sure to stay hydrated. Drinking enough water is critical after surgery. Water helps rid the body of toxins and supports healthy body functions like digestion.
- Be gentle – Many patients are used to exercising and being active and it can be frustrating to have to slow down after surgery. While strenuous exercise will have to be postponed for several weeks, you will be able to begin taking gentle walks right away, which can help improve circulation, boost your mood, and prevent complications like blood clots.
- Be kind to yourself – Recovery isn’t always easy, so it’s important to stay positive in terms of your thoughts and words. Surround yourself with kind, caring people who want the best for you and will support you as you rest and recuperate. You might even join a support group to share tips and experiences with other people who have undergone the same procedure as you.
Empowerment through knowledge
Plastic surgery can be a transformational experience, provided you are well-prepared for its aftermath. Taking time to fully prepare involves reading, asking questions, readying your healing space, stocking up on essential items, books, and movies, and enlisting the help of loved ones. The more you educate yourself and prepare in advance, the smoother your post-op journey will be.